Hello! And welcome to sunnysantabarbara.com. My name is Jane Breck, author of this site. I’m really glad you’re here!

I’m a southern California native and UCSB alumnus. I’ve traveled and lived all over the world, but there’s really no place like Santa Barbara. Because I love it here so much and love spending time here, I wanted to create a site by locals (we have the best team!) FOR locals… and everyone who’d like to visit this beautiful, magical city.

I graduated from UCSB in 2007 and can’t begin to tell you all the amazing things that have popped up in Santa Barbara and our nearby neighborhoods since then… let alone the rich culture and history that existed even before my time as a student!

So as you can see, Santa Barbara is constantly changing, constantly growing, but of course, never ceases to amaze. There are countless activities, exciting dining options, and simply some of the best places to stay. And there’s no one better to help you learn what’s in the nooks and crannies than those who have been frequenting them for years.

From the annual Fiesta in town, to amazing concerts at Santa Barbara Bowl, there is so much to explore!

As this site grows, we hope to add more and more valuable information and discoveries to help you plan your perfect visit to our beautiful city.

Thanks again for visiting! And make sure to subscribe to our site to learn more about Santa Barbara along the way!


—Jane Breck